Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

Israel and the US committing murder

It is impossible for someone with some amount of logic not to feel horrified by what’s being experienced in Gaza. Poor Palestinians are being forced into the corner, hit by the huge Israeli army. The word "being hit" would be too light. They are openly butchered. The whole world is in uproar, but the United States takes Israel under its wing and helps fight Hamas. It takes part in the murder.

Israel’s announcement is insufficient:

"Hamas has bombarded us with rockets. Killed our people. In the end we had no choice, but to do this operation. Hamas, from day one of its administration has prevented the peace process. We had no choice but to protect ourselvesÉ"

This explanation may have been true way back in the past, but not anymore. It is obvious that Israel will only sign for peace in the region if its own rules are applied.

Israel does not keep any of its promises.

I’m not talking about former land belonging to Palestine; Israel is constantly building settlement points on Palestinian ground. Fanatic pious Jews invade their territory at gunpoint.

Israel’s peace is not based on equality or compromise. Israel wants to keep Jerusalem under its control, cram Palestinians into a ghetto surrounded by walls and eliminate all resistance. This is not called peace.

This is called a crime against humanity. If they go even further it could also be called genocide. Palestinians have chosen Hamas as a means of leadership. The purpose is to cast away Israelis from land they had invaded formerly.

What’s more natural than this?

As long as Israel keeps behaving this way, Hamas will continue bombarding them and bombing. If the United States and Israel continue this thick-headedness they will not only drive the region but the whole world toward a new disaster.

Not today maybe not even tomorrow. This attitude gives new strength to the Taliban, al-Qaeda and all others who are in favor of political Islam.

Israel and the United States prepare themselves for their own and our disaster.

This general attitude of Israel and the United States deepens the Muslim-Christian separation a little bit more.

Turkey to become more militant

The millions who sympathize with the Taliban or al-Qaeda will increase and they will believe that the United States is on a Muslim hunt in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel in Palestine.

Those who believe that this is unjust and that the situation will continue as long as no reaction is shown, will drop more bombs and plan more suicide attacks. Hostility toward the United States and Israel will boil. Everything representing these two countries, including embassies and places of businesses will be under threat.

Especially Iran acquiring nuclear weapons will not be preventable anymore.

Besides Arab countries that are neutral and cannot pass beyond being an audience in these matters, Tehran is posing hope. As soon as it is able to construct its own nuclear weapon it will become the region’s indisputable force. I wonder if Washington is not able to see all these possibilities?

Of course it does. So then what does Washington want to do?

There are two possibilities:

Either, it closes its eyes to Israel because it is pretty sure that the Islamic world and especially the Arabs will not do anything and the Palestinians will stay motionless no matter how much they are beaten up.

Or the United States wants to provoke militant Islam. And it counts on an inter-religious war that will result in their favor and in the interest of the Christian world.

After witnessing Washington’s miscalculations in Iraq, I find it very natural for them to make new mistakes.

Political Islam in Turkey revolting

It is impossible for Turkey not to be influenced by events in Palestine. We already see slight movements. Those who do not want to miss this opportunity and create a militant society are planning to take action.

It doesn’t take much effort to create a fanatic Islam and send people off to their death in the name of religion.

Luckily Turkey has in this period the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, administration. If the AKP were the opposition today it would be a simple matter for them to call people out on the street in the name of jihad.

In case the United States and Israel continue with their attitude, they’d have to calculate that their relation with Turkey would become difficult. They should not be surprised at brisk reactions from Ankara.

These two countries persistently dig a hole. Someday they will be the ones to fall in it. There will be no pity for them but we will pay the actual bill. This region will be soaked in blood.
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