Emin Colasan: Laws of Fait a Compli

"Parliament will enter recess this week and will work at week end if the time is not enough to pass all the motions. The general assembly works until midnight. Deputies are sleepy and tired ; they raise their hands automatically and pass the laws. No one listens to remarks on the bills and to which law they are voting for...

Haberin Devamı

"Look at the things to be done this week: 2nd round of Constitutional amendments, law of rehabilitation, 7th harmonization package, public procurement law, privatizing the National Lottery, law for access to information, the law for womens' status, natuonal investment agency law, Law to provide education to poor students at private schools. All these are issues that require lengty and deep discussions for days. Still, they will be taken up in haste and passed through the automatic votes of the ruling party's deputies, towards morning. So the mentality is "I emerged from the ballot box; this is how I want it to happen!" Simple as that! ...However laws thus passed do not produce healthy results. The President reviews them carefully and vetois them for having unbelievable mistakes and violations of the Constitution.

Haberin Devamı

"The mentality of AKP is as such: "I did it as I liked!"

 "The Constitutional Court cancelled the extra vehicle tax imposed by the govrenment but the govrenment carelessly is bringing the motion down to Parliament once more; the new tax will probably pass this week. The public procurement law will be pierced several times this week. This will be a return to the former plunders and thefts. The forests will be plundered by the new forest law. WHy are they handing the golden-producing National Lottery to the public sector?

AND to whom will it be handed? ...This is how Turkey is governed!"

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