An open letter to President-elect Obama (III)

Win Turkey as a key partner

17. There is currently a window of opportunity for the settlement of the long-standing problem of Cyprus. Negotiations are in progress between the Turkish Cypriots and the Greek Cypriots. The United States has always taken a keen interest in the problem and been in a position to make a concrete contribution to its resolution. Many feel this may be the last chance for a long time to find a just solution that will protect the interests of the two sides in the island, as well as the interests of Turkey as a guarantor power. If you take action in favor of a negotiated settlement, the chances of success in Cyprus will improve vastly. Another reason why you should not ignore this issue is the potential it carries for an armed conflict between Turkey and the Greek Cypriots; and possibly Greece, over oil exploration rights in the eastern Mediterranean.

18. A related challenge is the set of Aegean disputes between Turkey and Greece. This is a relatively quiet front at present despite occasional incidents that occur in the sea and in the air. Nonetheless, experience tells us that any small incident in the Aegean could rapidly escalate into a major confrontation between the two NATO allies. The United States has tried to help before. Your Administration might find itself in the midst of an explosive situation in the Aegean. It would therefore be prudent for you to familiarize yourself with this file.

19. On Iraq, understand that no policy, American or otherwise, can succeed without the support of its neighbors. Turkey will continue to join its efforts with you if you respect and help protect Iraq’s territorial integrity and national unity. The Kirkuk issue is still Iraq’s Gordian knot and must be resolved in a manner consistent with the nation’s unity and territorial integrity and the interests of all the Iraqis; Arabs, Kurds, Turcomans and all the other ethnic and religious minorities.

20. The United States ought not to oppose Turkey's engagement with Iran because connecting Iran to the West helps Iran's reintegration into the international community and creates stakes for Iran to maintain a responsible stance in regional and world affairs. It is also important to realize that there is no substitute for direct dialogue between the United States and Iran. You should challenge Iran to engage first. Russian resurgence is substantially altering global politics.

21. The Caucasus region is experiencing new strains. Some fear the beginning of a new Cold War. We are facing a new, rather unpredictable situation. One consequence of all this has been the introduction of the Black Sea and the related matter of the Montreux Convention, to the international agenda. This is an area where you must act with caution and sophistication. The Montreux Convention has proven its worth and it works. You must closely coordinate your aims and actions with Turkey and not push Turkey into a corner in this respect.

22. Turkey’s relations with Russia are substantial in terms of trade, investments, tourism and in the field of energy. Our national interest dictates that we maintain positive relations with Russia. As you deal with Russia, keeping Turkey’s special position in mind would be helpful.

23. Finally, Mr. President, I would urge you to visit my country at your earliest opportunity. This would win you much sympathy here and energize our bilateral relations. I believe Turkey is a pivotal power in its geopolitical space, a strategic partner of the United States and a key member of the Euro-Atlantic community.

A statesman once said, "America is a nation that seeks its golden age in the future." The same is true for Turkey. Let us therefore join our visions and make the world a better, safer place.

Ö. Faruk Loğoğlu is former Ambassador of Turkey to the U.S. Loğoğlu's piece appeared in the TUSIAD's publication of Private View's Autumn edition
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