Two more swine flu cases in Turkey

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Two more swine flu cases in Turkey
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Haziran 01, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Turkey has confirmed its third and fourth cases of the deadly H1N1 virus, known as the "swine flu," in two Turkish citizens who arrived from the United States, the Health Ministry said late Saturday.

According to the ministry, the two patients were hospitalized with fevers and muscle pain after returning to Turkey on Friday. National laboratory tests show they are infected with swine flu.

Patients in quarantine

Both patients have been placed in quarantine, are under observation and are in good health, the statement added. The ministry said Sunday that one patient had arrived on a plane from Houston, while the other had traveled from New York.

Five additional people who said they had traveled on the same plane with one of the patients also applied to the hospital.

Earlier in May, a laboratory determined that a U.S. citizen of Iraqi origin and his mother were infected with swine flu after thermal cameras at Istanbul airport detected a high fever in the man, making them Turkey’s first and second cases.

They were later treated at a hospital and released.

Nearby Lebanon and Cyprus confirmed their first cases of the H1N1 virus Saturday, as well. The virus has infected at least 15,600 people globally and killed 113, most of them in Mexico.
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