Turkey silent on press rights

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Turkey silent on press rights
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 21, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Turkey toughened its attitude on Cyprus while it remained silent about critiques of press freedom during a meeting of the European Union-Turkey Association Council that was held in Brussels on Wednesday, reported the daily Milliyet yesterday.

The European Union’s expectations for the respect of press freedom and the message that they had been closely following the Doğan Media Holding tax fine proceedings was officially remitted to Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. However, Turkey remained silent on both these issues.

Under the context that high-level names in Turkey strictly criticize the press, the EU noted that an environment of full respect to freedom of the press should be guaranteed, the EU’s common position document stated.

’Cyprus no impediment’

"The EU is going to continue closely watching the legal process of tax against a prominent media group," the document stated. Turkey, on the other hand, preferred to give information on freedom of expression and Article 301 of the Penal Code, rather than responding to the criticism, the daily wrote.

Davutoğlu, on the Cyprus issue, said it was unacceptable to use the Cyprus issue as an impediment in front of Turkey’s EU bid. EU sources stated that they faced a tougher position on Cyprus than they expected, the daily wrote. "Cyprus will be the most important issue of the next six months," said Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt.
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