Stunning skeleton revealed

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Stunning skeleton revealed
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Mayıs 21, 2009 00:00

NEW YORK - The nearly complete and remarkably preserved skeleton of a small, 47 million-year-old creature found in Germany was displayed by scientists in New York who said it would help illuminate the evolutionary roots of monkeys, apes and humans.

Experts praised the discovery for the level of detail it provided but said it was far from a breakthrough that would solve the puzzles of early evolution. About the size of a small cat, the animal has four legs and a long tail. Nobody is claiming that it's a direct ancestor of monkeys and humans, but it provides a good indication of what a long-ago ancestor may have looked like, researchers said. In an evolutionary sense, the fossil is like an aunt from several generations ago, Jens Franzen of the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany said Tuesday.

The fossil is the best preserved ever found for a primate, said Jorn Hurum, of the University of Oslo Natural History Museum, one of the scientists introducing the specimen. It's about 95 percent complete, even including fingertips with nails, and lacks only the lower portion of one leg, Hurum said.

The animal was a juvenile female that scientists believe died at about 9 or 10 months. "She tells so many stories. We have just started the research on this fabulous specimen," said Hurum. The fossil, recovered from a mine about 40 kilometers southeast of Frankfurt, is nicknamed Ida after Hurum's 6-year-old daughter. Its scientific name is Darwinius masillae, after Charles Darwin.

Experts not connected with the discovery said the finding was remarkably complete because of features like stomach contents. But they questioned the conclusions of Hurum and his colleagues about how closely it is related to ancestors of monkeys and humans. "I actually don't think it's terribly close to the common ancestral line of monkeys, apes and people," said K. Christopher Beard of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. "I would say it's about as far away as you can get from that line and still be a primate." Rather than a long-ago aunt, "I would say it's more like a third cousin twice removed," he said.
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