Revenge of Denktas

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Revenge of Denktas
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 18, 2004 11:26

TRNC President Rauf Denktas took revenge from Journalist Mehmet Ali Birand who criticized him for taking Prof.Mumtaz Soysal along with him to New York. He did this, by using a journalism weapon.

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During his term in office, Denktas saw six UN Secretary Generals, the U.S. Presidents, 5 Greek Cypriot leaders , 7 Turkish Presidents and 36 Turkish government gone. He is labeled in diplomacy as “Mister No!” because of his shrewdness and firmness. He is also the pride of his people for his patience, modesty, frankness.

This political wolf of 80, gave a big lesson to Birand who critcized him for taking Prof.Soysal, whom he described as “Advocate of impasse” , to New York. The moment Denktas saw journalist Birand in a close embrace with Prof.Soysal he suddenly took the picture of this scene and leaked this picture to Hurriyet. Let us see what Birand will say when he sees this picture!

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