A Bird’s Eye View: Will failure bring peace?

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A Bird’s Eye View: Will failure bring peace
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 28, 2009 00:00

The Gaza war ended and it was indeed a shameful one that resulted in the death of about 1,300 Palestinian humans and 13 Israeli human soldiers. The destruction of homes and infrastructure was devastating.

Gaza city looked as if it had been struck by an earthquake. The trauma and shock to the psyche of the children of Palestine was even worse because they have been traumatized for all their life. And what did Israel gain from this war? Absolutely nothing. Hamas is still there and rockets are still being sporadically launched from Gaza into Israel. Consequently the Israeli objectives all failed. Not only that, but Israel was discredited globally for the actions it had taken. The Israeli government was also discredited when it stated that it would protect its soldiers against any war crimes prosecution.

All about timing

The strange thing about the Gaza war was that it had been planned long before with the previous US administration. This information comes out indirectly from Greece. In November of last year the U.S. had asked Greece to accept a shipment of military hardware destined to go to a US base in Israel. The shipment arrived and was stored in Greece but when the US authorities asked that the shipment be loaded on a ship to be sent to Israel during the Gaza war, the Greek government, to its credit, refused the request. Consequently the attack on Gaza had been planned from October if not earlier. And it was amazing how fast the Israeli armed forces withdrew from Gaza, just in time for the Obama inauguration.

We birds strongly support the position and statements of the Turkish prime minister in Davos, where he walked off a panel and left the World Economic Forum, after having verbally clashed with the president of Israel. He was the only world leader who had the guts to do it and we congratulate him for his courage.

As far as we birds are concerned, the only thing that we can say is just because humans of the Jewish faith suffered genocide during WWII, it gives no right to Israel to eliminate other humans. Israel must remember the sufferings of its people and then it might feel remorse for its actions. If they are able to do that, only then will humanity be able to speak of perspectives for peace in the area.

We birds must apologize to you humans for crashing into your airplanes. Bird-plane crashes became breaking news after some members of our species were sucked into the engines of flight 1549, thus forcing it to land in the Hudson River, fortunately without any human fatalities.

A job well done

This was due to the heroic efforts of its pilot Sully Sullenberger, who was rightfully proclaimed a hero in the United States. We would like to extend to him our congratulations for his feat. But before that incident and after that we have had collisions of birds with planes and this will continue unless you humans do not take effective preventive measures.

Therefore we would like to propose to you the following simple solution. As you probably know, we birds are afraid of flashing lights, lights that turn off and on. A human driving a car at high speeds, if he sees birds sitting on a highway, the best way of scaring off the birds is by flashing the car lights on and off instead of using the car horn. Since light travels faster than the speed of sound, the flashing lights reach the birds first, thus allowing them to fly away. Consequently, if a plane does the same thing with its lights when taking off and landing the result will be the same. We birds will see the flashing lights and we will do everything possible to avoid the aircraft. The system will not work if the light is constant, since we think that it is a natural phenomenon.

Ponder our thoughts dear humans for your benefit.
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