Turkey's Ülker opens new factory

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Turkeys Ülker opens new factory
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ocak 13, 2009 00:00

ISTANBUL - Aiming to lower the production cost of baby food products, Ülker Hero Baby will open its first jarred baby food factory in Ankara today. The factory is expected to have an annual production capacity of 50 million units.

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Turkey's first baby food producer, Ülker Hero Baby, invested 20 million Turkish Liras in the venture, Nasuh Önal, managing director of the company, told members of the press in Istanbul yesterday. "In Turkey, jarred baby food had a 25 percent share in the total baby nutrition market at the end of last year. We are looking forward to increasing that figure to 60 percent by 2010."

By reducing jarred baby food prices from 2 liras to 1 lira at the beginning of last year, Ülker Hero Baby led Turkey’s baby food market with its growth of 55 percent. Meanwhile, Ülker Hero Baby grew 350 percent, said Önal. Ülker Hero Baby is the market leader in Turkey’s baby food industry, with 21.9 tons of annual production and 316 million liras in aggregate revenue.

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