Turkey faces more dangers than ever

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Turkey faces more dangers than ever
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Şubat 15, 2007 10:23

General Yasar Buyukanit's speech at the Turkish Embassy last night, hosted by Turkish Ambassador to Washington, DC Nabi Sensoy, took place amidst comments of "Save us Pasha, Turkey is secular, and will stay secular."

General Buyukanit touched on a variety of different topics, ranging from the Armenian claims of genocide to Cyprus to the ongoing war in Iraq. Responding to speculation from some circles that Turkey faced a threat of "being divided," Buyukanit said "There is no one that could ever divide Turkey. No one would ever be that brave." Buyukanit began his speech by warning the audience that "My visit here unfortunately takes place during a very criticial period of time.....Today Turkey, since its formation as the Turkish Republic in 1923, has never faced as many risks and threats as it now faces."
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