Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - English
Mehmet Ali Birand - EnglishYazarın Tüm Yazıları

We provoke anti-Semitism

We have again started to mix apples and oranges. We all show reaction to Israel’s massacre, killing children and people in Gaza as if trying to attract the world’s attention, not taking notice of anyone. I, for the first time in years, wrote about Israel committing a crime and the United States joining this crime. The public indignation is perfectly justified.

The prime minister, too, has for the first time shown great reaction to Israel’s military movement. The AKP administration, also for the first time and at the cost of injuring relations with Israel, has a rough tongue, started campaigns and first ladies of Arab countries held a summit in Istanbul. Turkey for the first time exhibits a wide spread counter stance.

All these may seem natural in view of Israel’s attitude in Gaza. Maybe not to that extent but there are harsh reactions in Europe as well. But developments here do not stay within a defined limit. It has turned into contra-Israeli and Jew hostility. Reactions stirring from the administration have paved way for extreme pious groups to take action. Some articles in the press, some demonstrations and some banners missing the point and have hit a sour note. In some hotels, shops and restaurants we started to come across slogans stating, "Dogs, Jews and Americans are not allowed to enter." Messages, including threats and insults, sent to cellular phones of Jews who are Turkish citizens have reached a dangerous level.

As a matter of fact, the Turkish Jewish Community has for the first time in years made a public announcement. The announcement, distributed to the press with the signature of Turkish Jews says, "We, the Turkish Jews, an inseparable part of the Turkish Republic, feel deeply sorry for being exposed to expressions used by some press organs humiliating our religion, insulting us and showing us as a target." The worst thing about it is that the administration is a mere spectator as extreme religious people profit from the Gaza opportunity and promote anti-Semetic and anti-Western attitudes. Great danger is present.

Şahin's messages
He vanished in all this turbulence. Alert eyes have noticed but in public generally he was forgotten. I am talking about the parts in İbrahim Şahin’s testimony during the Ergenekon investigation that were printed in the press.

"In the last quarter of the year 2008 Cemil Çiçek had announced a new organization regarding the fight with terror. Regarding this reorganization Gen. Metin and Gen. Bekir Kalyoncu from the General Staff said that I was going to be appointed to the duties of an undersecretary. They asked my opinion about this matter. I told them I believe if the military, police and MİT worked together the fight with terror would be successful. I prepared a list of special operation police members under the age of 30 who would participate in the operation. They said ’to chose 300 people.’ I was preparing this list. The retrieved S1 relates to this."

I think that these words are very important. The reason is that this explanation came from İbrahim Şahin.

Şahin is someone who has taken on important roles since Susurluk. Even if parts of these roles are within a legal frame, the rest is very controversial. He is a police office who received punishment because of illegal actions. Now having said that, there is a whole new meaning implied in the words.

During the Susurluk investigation the police and military were so self-confident they acted as if nothing would ever happen to them. With Ergenekon the situation seems to have changed. Now there is no "untouchable" person left. Even further, in such a big case the possibility of misjudged conviction increases." Within such an environment, it is obvious that İbrahim Şahin sent a message to somebody, even if it is not clear to whom. What’s the message about?

It is as if Şahin says, "Fellows, I became involved in this because you supported me. I was deceived by your patriotic rant. Now I’m in the firing line." He adds, "You either save me from this chaos or I’ll reveal all of you. For I know you all very well." Are those receiving this message able to do anything? Can they save İbrahim Şahin as they did before? We wouldn’t know about that. In time we’ll see but İbrahim Şahin seems to be determined not to get arrested for patriotism.
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