Turkey Ranked 25th in the World Export League

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Turkey Ranked 25th in the World Export League
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Nisan 06, 2004 00:00

According to the report prepared by World Trade Organization taking into account the numbers of the year 2002, Turkey is the 25th big economy at the world export list and the 19th biggest economy in the world import ranking. Turkey holds 9/1000 of the world foreign trade.  GIANTS OF WORLD EXPORT (2002-BILLION $)1 EU 9392 US 6933 Japan 4164 China 3255 Canada 2526 Hong Kong 2017 South Korea 1628 Mexico 1609 Taiwan 13510 Singapore 12511 Russia 10612 Malaysia 9313 Switzerland 8714 Saudi Arabia 73 15 Thailand 6816 Australia 6517 Norway 6118 Brazil 6019 Indonesia 5720 India 4921 U.A.E. 4722 Poland 4123 Czech Republic 3824 Philippines 36 25 Turkey 34 (Hürriyetim)
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