Photos of Prime Ministerial building entrance reveal Ramazan "security deficiency"

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Photos of Prime Ministerial building entrance reveal Ramazan security deficiency
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Ekim 03, 2007 09:48

Photographs taken by a Hurriyet reporter two days ago in Ankara appear to reveal what some are calling a "security deficiency" in front of the Prime Ministerial headquarters.

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The photos, taken a few minutes after the start of the traditional Ramazan evening "iftar" meal, show the entrance to the Prime Ministerial buildings unguarded save for a couple of official policemen. Sources have noted that depite the possibility of a suicide bomber, or any other threat against the lives of those top level Ankara officials who work in the Prime Ministerial buildings, the entrance was left unattended by security officials who were apparently in the building's cafeteria eating "iftar" when the photographs were taken.


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