Istanbul’s new dolphins to leap, dive for crowds

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Istanbul’s new dolphins to leap, dive for crowds
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 05, 2008 00:00

ISTANBUL - Istanbul Dolpinarium, a dolphin show center built by Moscow’s Dolphinarium, opened its doors on the Haliç shore of the Eyüp district. Dolpinarium, which has six pools filled with purified water from Haliç, features shows every week

Istanbul Dolpinarium, the dolphin show center developed through a 15-year build-operate-transfer project, has cost approximately $10 million. Dolphinarium is built on 8,695 square meters of land, with 5,800 square meters of it as closed space. The facility's pools will be filled with purified seawater from Haliç.

Kadir Topbaş, mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, said they have entered a fine period with Istanbul being the upcoming European Cultural Capital in 2010. "The biggest dolphin show center in the Balkans is an important activity center for Istanbul and the children."

Leonid Slutskiy, a Russian parliament official, said the facility is the biggest dolphin show center in Europe and is a success thanks to Turkish workers and Russian scientists.

Lev Muhamedov, general manager of the Dolphinarium, said this center would be an important activity center for Istanbul during its reign as European Capital of Cultural in 2010. Muhamedov also said Dolphinarium, a Russian company, has 15 centers in seven countries.

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Eyüp Municipality also have contributed to the center, which holds seven pools, including the 16.5-meter-radius show pool. The pools hold a total of 3,500 cubic meters water density and all are connected to each other, with the exception of the quarantine pool. The water for the pools comes from Haliç and is purified to meet international standards for sea mammals’ survival.

The 1,000-seat facility has a parking area for 120 vehicles and a restaurant with a capacity of 800 people. Dolpinarium will feature four to six shows every week and will be closed Mondays. The center will house four Bottlenose dolphins from the Black Sea, each weighing approximately 240 kilos. Two white belugas (whales), four seals and two walruses will also perform at the shows, accompanied by their trainers.

The facility will have a gift and toy store for children and will offer the chance to swim with the dolphins.

Schools and universities will benefit from Istanbul Dolphinarium for biology lessons and briefings on sea mammals, aquatic life and marine ecology. Future plans include a rehabilitation center for the autistic and people with other disabilities that benefit from water-based treatments.
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