Ahmet Hakan: Wig on top of turban

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Ahmet Hakan: Wig on top of turban
Oluşturulma Tarihi: Aralık 22, 2006 12:53

Everything that lies between the dark black soil and the bright blue sky which needs to be said on the subject of turbans has already been said in Turkey. Yes, the turban has been called a "political symbol," a "decision by the European Court of Human Rights," people have called it their "personal right," or talked about how their "grandmothers used to cover their heads." Others have insisted "don't interfere in my style of dress," while still others have reminded us "the turban is not the same as the headscarf."

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There have never been any real results in this war of big theses about the turban. One side of society remains irritated by the turban, while the other side remains irritated by the irritation of the other side.

Yes, the different sides have separated, fronts have been created, and everyone has chosen a side according to where they stand. And it is just such an atmosphere that now we face the issue of the "wig on top of the turban," a new item on the agenda, and one completely open to exploitation and trouble from both sides.
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This whole "wig on top of turban" formula emerged sometime in the past; I am not quite sure when, but it definitely started to spread after the "post modern revolution" of February 28. Here is the formula: With the bans on turbans starting to spread, women who wore headscarves faced with certain crossroads. Either they would leave off their work and/or school, or they would uncover their heads according to the law. And thus some women did leave their jobs and education, while others took the covers off their heads. And at the same time, there were some who found a "middle path." By putting a wig on top of their turbans, they were able to "carry on their turbaned status, while rescuing themselves from breaking the law."

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Let me add right here and right now, I do not like this solution at all. Because it always seemed to me like a big lie. Primarily, the lie is to oneself, but at the same time, the lie is also to others. In fact, you could even argue that the lie is to Allah. Why?
Let me explain: 

Women who cover their heads say they do so because of their beliefs. But if their beliefs dictate to them that they must cover their heads, that their hair must not show, then isn't putting a wig on their heads just such a show of hair which their beliefs say they must avoid? It is as though the thought that "but I am not showing my own hair" somehow comforts them.

Yes, this is a formula which has not an ounce of wisdom in it. You can ask of course what it is that these women should do. And you are right, because I do not have the answer. I can neither say "uncover your hair" to these women, nor can I tell them to "go home." Whatever it is though, this "wig on top of turban" formula is sure not a fantastic one.


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